About Us

Established in the year 1908 by Late Shri Pranshankar Lallubhai Desai, this institute took the initiative of training and educating students with Hearing and Visual Impairment. With the aim of empowering Persons with Disabilities, the School for the Deaf-Mutes Society caters to the educational needs of Students with Disabilities, followed by vocational needs as well, Thus, education along with generation of employment opportunities is focused upon.
One of our key abilities is to identify and channelize the strengths and potentials of our students and provide them the much needed exposure and opportunities for inclusion. Education and boarding facilities are made available, free of cost and emphasis is laid on early identification of disability and training of caregivers.
Our various initiatives are as follows.
- School for the Deaf
- School for the Blind
- Kalpana Balmandir
- ITI Training Centres
- Training College for the Teachers of the Deaf
- Training College for the Teachers of the Blind
- Physiotherapy College for Persons with Visual Impairment